Fargo Public Schools

We are happy to provide transportation services for Fargo Public Schools students. Please read below for information about Fargo Public Schools bus service.

We’re here to help

Don't hesitate to contact Valley Bus with questions.

Phone: 701-235-5912

Address: 2761 Leahy Ave S., Fargo, ND 58103

Questions regarding route changes should be directed to Chris Pinkney at the district office. 701-446-1016

Route Info

Follow the link below to view the maps for general education bus routes.

School Bus Conduct

  1. The Board shall require students to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior. The bus driver will document incidents of student misconduct. The principal will inform the parents immediately of the misconduct and request their cooperation in correcting the student’s behavior. Students who become a serious disciplinary problem on the school bus may have their riding privileges suspended indefinitely by the building principal. In such cases, the student's parents become responsible for that student’s transportation to and from school.
  2. Students are expected to walk a reasonable distance to meet the bus.
  3. Previous to loading, students shall:
    1. Be on time at the designated school bus stops in order to keep the bus on schedule.
    2. Respect all property, public or private. Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus. Bus riders shall conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner while waiting.
  4. Conduct expectations:
    1. The bus driver is in complete charge of student riders. The driver has the same authority as a teacher and will report rule violations to the principal.
    2. Bus riders shall abide by the rules or be deprived of the privilege to ride the bus. Students will be cited for the following behavior:
      • Failure to remain seated
      • Smoking on the bus
      • Hanging out the windows
      • Refusing to obey driver
      • Lighting matches
      • Spitting/Littering -Throwing objects out of bus
      • Fighting -Sexual Harassment
      • Profanity -Throwing objects on bus -Vandalism
    3. Bus riders shall not litter the bus with food or other debris. Students should help to keep the bus clean. Food and drink are not permitted on the bus.
    4. Bus riders shall not tamper with the bus or any of its equipment. Damage to the seats, etc., shall be paid by the offender.
    1. No weapons, dangerous objects (i.e. laser pointers), alcohol, tobacco, or drugs are allowed on the bus.
  6. Leaving the bus:
    1. Bus riders shall exit in a prompt and orderly manner.
    2. Cross the road, when necessary, in front of the bus where the driver can see you and you can see the driver, but only after looking to be sure that no traffic is approaching from either direction.
  7. Students being transported are under the authority of the bus driver.

Special Education Transportation

The Fargo Special Education Department strives for a safe and efficient transportation system for special education students. The Fargo Public School District contracts with Valley Bus for this service.


Transportation is provided to students who have a disability and their IEP or 504 team has determined it is required for the student to receive their free and appropriate public education. Transportation is also provided for students with disabilities whose IEP team has determined that they need to attend a school outside of their neighborhood attendance area. Special education transportation is not provided to students who are parentally placed in a public or private school outside the boundaries of their neighborhood school. Parentally placed means the parent or legal guardian requested the student attend a school outside of the boundaries of their neighborhood school.


Valley Bus is responsible for employing bus drivers and paras. Valley Bus and the Fargo Schools Special Education Department train drivers and paras. Background checks are completed by Valley Bus. All drivers must meet Department of Transportation standards. School bus staff will, except for rare circumstances, remain on the bus at all times that students are present, except the driver going outside to operate a wheelchair lift.

Driver Responsibilities

The driver’s primary function is to drive the bus safely. The driver is responsible for opening and closing the bus doors and watching for student safety. The driver will not honk, use the reverse alarm or wait longer than 2 minutes before proceeding on the route.

Para Responsibilities

Paras will be present as required on all special education routes. Paras will assist students on and off the bus. Paras will also assist with the general supervision of students and individual behavior management and health care programs. Valley Bus staff will not knock on the resident's door, call ahead of arrival, or call upon arrival. Bus drivers and paras will not cross the door of the home or garage.

Parent Responsibilities

  • Have your child ready and watch for the bus 5-10 minutes before you expect it to arrive. Many factors outside the driver’s control cause the pick-up or drop-off time to vary on any particular day (# of riders, weather, road construction, trains, etc.).
  • Notify Valley Bus (701-235-5912) to cancel service if your child is not riding the bus on a particular day because of illness, an appointment, etc. If your child does not ride for 5 days without proper notification to Valley Bus, transportation may cease until the parent contacts the district transportation director.
  • Have supervision at the return address. Students will only be released to an adult 18 or older. Caregivers will be expected to meet the student at the bus. For safety purposes, Valley Bus staff will not exit the bus to walk students to their parents. Students who are able to do so safely may be permitted to walk unattended to a guardian as long as the guardian is fully visible to the driver and/or para on the bus.
  • If the bus driver or para determines that a student will be unsupervised, the student will be brought back to the school they attend. Parents will be contacted and responsible for picking up their child at that school. Contact Valley Bus at 701-235-5912 if your contact information changes.
  • Notify Valley Bus if your child will be out of school for an extended period, such as hospitalization, long-term illness, family trip, etc.
  • Share these policies and procedures with your child’s daycare provider.
  • No food or drink is allowed on the bus. The only exception is for food or drink that is determined by a treating physician to be medically necessary and documented in the student’s IEP or 504.

Route Changes

  • Pick-up and drop-off addresses will be the student’s home address unless other arrangements have been communicated to the Fargo Schools Transportation Director, Chris Pinkney, at 701-446-1016.
  • All changes in pick-up and drop-off locations may require up to five days to be implemented. Address changes must be communicated through the Fargo Schools Transportation office at 701-446-1016 before any change will be implemented. Valley Bus will not make changes until they receive authorization from the Fargo Public Schools transportation office.
  • Day to day or weekly changes will not be made. Route changes affect all students on that route. Parents will be notified in advance of any route changes of five minutes or more.

Early/Late Bus

A bus will not run its route early. If a bus is running significantly late, parents will be notified. Parents do not need to transport their child on these days.

Storm Day Policy

Listen to local media outlets for school cancellations or late starts. Students will be returned if school is canceled while in session.

Equipment and Adaptations

All vehicles transporting students shall be identified, numbered, and equipped with two-way radios, first aid kits, and fire extinguishers. Additional equipment or adaptations are based on individual needs and are delineated in the student’s individual education program. Special education buses are equipped with seatbelts.

Car seats will be used for students weighing less than 40 pounds. 5-point harnesses will only be used if required by a student’s IEP.

Who to Call

  • Questions relating to a late bus, pick-up time, or student not riding on a particular day may be communicated directly to Valley Bus at 701-235-5912.
  • Address changes and all other transportation questions or concerns should be directed to Chris Pinkney at 701-446-1016.

Have questions?

View our Frequently Asked Questions or reach out to us via phone or email.